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What other services do you offer? 

Well we specialise in custom making dresses - Everything from flowergirl dresses to the most detailed wedding dresses. Therefore do we also offer the following services:


  • Alterations on existing dresses - You purchased a dress second hand or elsewhere and there is just something not right, we can assist in altering the dress to just be perfect 


  • Revamps - You decided to use your mom, your gran or a friend dress, but want to change it to be more you. We have done many complete revamps with dresses as old as 50 years to be you, a perfect fit to show off your personality and style. 


  • Cleaning - As we deal with dresses and delegate fabrics daily do we know what you can and can't do with them, therefore can we clean your garment to perfection with only the best products and care.



Contact Us

  • Head Office Information 
  • 083 719 9490
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